A Physicist in the Life Sciences

Although I am fortunate enough to be "classically" schooled in theoretical particle physics, my curiosity has always driven me to explore faraway corners of science. From ultra cold gasses to drug design and neuroscience, I have systematically found joy in looking over the border and learning from my academic neighbors. In the sections below, you can find an overview of the different research projects I have been involved in.


Biophysical neuron models are mathematical models that use biophysical principles to simulate the behavior of neurons and neural circuits. Together, these tools can help us better understand the underlying mechanisms of severe mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder.

Drug Design

Quality-diversity algorithms are powerful tools in computational drug design that can help researchers discover new drug molecules with desired properties. By generating a diverse set of molecules and optimizing their properties, these tools can help identify promising drug candidates that may not have been discovered using traditional methods.


Continuous matrix product state (cMPS) is a type of continuous tensor network that allows for the representation of quantum many-body systems with continuous degrees of freedom. cMPS has the potential to provide new insights into the behavior of ultracold gases and the emergence of collective behavior in quantum systems.


In summary, I have an interdisciplinary background in physics, chemistry, and biology. My experience in drug design, computational and theoretical physics, and computational neuroscience, makes me a unique candidate with a diverse skill set that spans multiple fields of study. For more details on my experience, please refer to my full resume.


(+47) 93960932


Bernhard Herres vei 48B
Oslo, 0376